Alphabay Traditional all-purpose darknet market

Alphabay Traditional all-purpose darknet market

Some people claim it was a suicide, some suspect that the death was staged. AlphaBay boasts with unmatched reputation and good-standing within the darknet community. We have always been transparent, professional and fair to every party involved that is why we were the preferred place of business by hundreds of thousands of buyers and vendors. Unlike any other marketplaces we actually have a vision for the future which involves an improvement for the darknet market scene as a whole .

Perhaps most importantly, he claims to be based in a former Soviet country that has no extradition treaty with the US. His choice for AlphaBay to use only Monero, rather than Bitcoin, may make the sort of blockchain analysis that contributed to the original site’s takedown far more difficult. And he claims to have built complex technical protections that include redundant infrastructure in multiple countries, along with a system called AlphaGuard that’s designed to automatically relaunch the site on new servers in the case of a bust.

Dark Web Reddit

”, makes you feel secure with all its security measures and has truly taken steps to prevent any kind of scams on the platform. As a dark-web market, it’s no doubt at the very top of its competition, so that already tells us that it’s trustworthy as well as feature-rich. There always is someone, somewhere able to manipulate the team and get away with your coins. This holds true for each and every darkweb market out there. Easy depositing and Withdrawal of Funds – We can easily deposit funds using an address provided to us from Alphabay. The same ease can be experienced with Withdrawals as well.


If you’re still not sorted, go to the forum and ask your questions. Finally, you can go to the support centre and book a ticket. A friendly staff member often comes in time and answers your questions.

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  • The AlphaBay escrow service safeguards your funds until the transaction is concluded and the seller is paid.
  • Two weeks after the takedown of the Dark Web marketplace AlphaBay, its successor Hansa Market was also closed as part of a coordinated operation by the Dutch National Police, Europol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Drug Enforcement Agency .
  • Considering their advanced technological background, it is a little surprising to find out that is has been, in fact, a series of operational security errors that lead to the websites’ downfall in July 2017.
  • This is affecting all AlphaBay merchants at the moment (make of this advice what you may. But it might be a good idea to wait until the market becomes a bit more established instead of becoming a guinea pig in a relatively new experiment).

Of the twenty sites we found, thirteen are no longer active. Most are clearnet sites, although we discovered three onion sites . Duringour research into Genesis Market, we found a clearnet site (genesismarket[.]org) that looked nothing like the genuine Genesis Market site but appeared prominently in search engine results. It covers a specific scam we uncovered during our research, which we highlight because of its scale, levels of coordination, and apparent success.

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Personal links still working and both Dread and AB still working on I2P even during DDOS. You are using an unsupported browser, which means some features may not work as expected. Netcraft recommends upgrading for a better experience.


AlphaBay reported that it serviced more than 200,000 users and 40,000 vendors. By comparison, the Silk Road dark market—the largest such enterprise of its kind before it was shut down in 2013—had approximately 14,000 listings. Dark web marketplaces are a platform for trading illicit products on a small and large scale. The products that are most commonly listed for sale include drugs, fake documents, fraud-related items, and hacking services and tools. The prices for these products range from a few dollars to hundreds and thousands of dollars, depending on how valuable the stolen or illegal product is and on how experienced and known the vendor and platform are.


To help you trace the illegal trade of products, cybercriminal activity, and the hottest dark web trends, we have compiled a list of the top 10 leading dark web marketplaces. The marketplaces are usually managed by an admin or a small group of admins, and the typical users of the marketplaces are cybercriminals who search for illegal products online that will help their own illicit activities. The address used by the phishing site will look familiar to regular users of the AlphaBay darknet market, but rather than pointing to an anonymous hidden service, it points to a phishing site hosted by AttractSoft GmbH in Germany. The official AlphaBay market URL has remained unchanged. As is the norm with darknet markets, one has to encounter a captcha before reaching the login page. And once in a while, users may experience delays during periods of high usage.

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